Friday, May 29, 2009


1. What is your full name? Thomas Cohen

2. Where are you from (city, state, country)?
Bay Shore, NY, USA

3. Where did you go to college? For
how long? Do you plan to go back to school? Clemson University. I will receive my master's degree in August. I plan to go for my PhD in the near future.

4. (If the interviewee went to college)… What was your major in college and what kind of degree did you earn? Did you attend graduate school for an advanced degree? If yes, what degree
and where? Undergraduate degree was Technology and Human Resource Development. Graduate degree was a Master of Human Resource Development. Both degrees were obtained at Clemson.

5. Why did you
choose your professional field? I always had a interest in HR.

6. What got you
involved in this field of work? What inspired you to do it? My parents got me involved.

7. Why did you choose this particular job at this particular company? They advertised an internship in recruiting and it was the best way to get my foot in the door of a large organization.

8. How long have you worked here? 9 months

9. What is your job title? Project Assistant

10.. What do your duties include? Or What
kinds of work does your job involve?
Employment Verification, managing the file room, and other miscellaneous tasks.

11. 11. What are some of the challenges you have faced working here? Time management and staying organized

12. What is the best part of your job? Meeting new people

13. What is something you would like to change about your job? My job title

14. Did you work somewhere else before this job? Where? For how long? How was that similar/different? No.

15. What do you see as your future with this company? I see my self as a director or VP or Human Resources

16. Do you enjoy the kind of work you do? Why or why not?I enjoy it but it gets tedious at times.

17. Do you plan to open your own business one day? It's a

18. How has having an intern helped your company or organization advance or progress? Having an intern helps to keep the files up to date and gets the
verifications out on time
which makes the company more efficient.

19. What advice would you give to high school-aged interns (such as myself)
getting ready for college? Study hard...It will pay off in the

20. What advice would you give to high
school-aged interns (such as myself) preparing to find a
career in the real
world? Don't get discourage. Have a plan and
go for your

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Midpoint Reflection Questions

How has the internship been the same as and/or different than your expectations?
Well I thought I was ganna have like my own office I mean I'm working in a office but its not my own office like you know my office with my name and all these stuff that's i expected it.

What is similar and different about the culture of the school environment versus the workplace environment?
well there is a lot of differences and many similarities,in school students be making mad noise, pants sagging down etc..
In work place environment people are mad quiet and respectful to each other o loud noise or nothing, everything is clean etc...

What new skills have you learned that apply to the workplace? Which of these are transferable skills?
i have learned a lot of computer skills and organized skills They always ask me for help to organized things, like the folders, fix and put them in alphabetical order etc..

What kind of relationship do you have with your mentor and co-workers? How have you grown as a result of interacting with professional adults? What kinds of communication (verbal and non-verbal skills) have you gained?
well me and my mentor are pretty cool he's a very nice person.
as a result of interacting with adults it makes me feel like im an adults think like an adult etc.

What challenges at the internship have you faced that you have overcome and how did you overcome them?
well i dont really face any challenges so far so im looking forward to see.

What challenges have you faced in school as a result of the altered schedule and how are you handling them? i dont know, i cant count them, i mean like i faced many challenges in school like homework, class work, sometimes the homework be mad hard and i gatta ask for help.

What goals are you working to accomplish during the remaining five weeks of the internship? trying to improves my skills and even though i dont plan to work in a hospital for my future career, but i try my best try do get everything done on time and do all my work.

What new things have you learned about New York City?
New York is a different state from the others, a lot different.and i learned that most of the things in New york City is different from my native country.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weekly Vocabulary Assignments

1. Word / Phrase:Human Resources

Meaning:Human resources is a term with which some organizations describe the combination of traditionally administrative personnel functions with performance, Employee Relations and resource planning. To me, that means is a place where people dealing with files, make verification letters to employees, they fired people, they hire people, if an employee have a problem they have to resolve the problem if they cant do anything abot it the employee might get fired etc..

Context:I learn about human resources where i valunteer at for my internship.

2. Word / Phrase:



3. Word / Phrase:



4. Word / Phrase:



5. Word / Phrase:



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Week Four: You're A Third Of The Way There.


What is it?
Its NYU Hospital.

What kind of business is it and what kind of work do the professionals do there?
Its a hospital and theres many of them in where im at is where they dealing with files and stuff. The HR.

Where is it? What is the neighborhood like compared to where our school is?
Its in Manhatthan One Park ave. The neighborhood is full of people, people walking down and up. The street is way bigger then my neighborhood street a one way overthere i like a two way in my nieghborhood.

Tell a little about your mentor.
My mentors very cool and funny i have two of them, both of them is mad funny lool their name is Anthony and Thomas.

What kinds of things have you done so far?
So far i have done a lot, i made verification letter, put files where they belong look for files when someone ask etc.. i have done a lot!.

What were some of the highlights of the fourth week? (Memorable moments, cool things, incredibly difficult things...)
Some highlight of the fourth week is something we always do with Thomas every Monday, Wednesday, we bevgoing down to the other hospital to bring letters and pick up letters we be walking and talking telling jokes and we go to eat if we have like a 30 minutes we go somewhere and chill and after we go back to work.


When do you leave school?
I leave school like around 11:45 to like 11:50

How long does it take you to get to your internship?
it take me 55 minutes to like 1 hour.

When do you arrive at home?
I get home like around 6:45 to 7 o'clock.

What is your schedule? (What days do you work and for how long each day?)
Well i start everyday at 1 and get out at 5 because the office where im working at close at 5 but sometimes i get out at 4 too when we have to do a lot of homework but i dont matter.

Who are the two people that can sign your time card? (Your mentor and the additional person)
i have to people that can sign my time card but one of them them dont because he said if the boss sign it, it will be better so give it to the boss to sign it.

How was the fourth week different from the third week?
The fourth week is different from the third week because in da fourth wee we learned more stuff && we know how t do stuff better like in the third week if he was showing us how to do sumthing, in the fourth week we already know how to do it ourself without his help. And things that we doing starts looking more easy for us. Etc

What is something that you really like about the internship?
Well i like everything about my internship specially my mentors they funny && easy to talk to && i like the area that i'm working in.

What is something you dislike about the internship?
Like i said before i like everything about my internship so i don't think i deslike anything.

Who else's blog have your read and commented on?
Well i don't quitely read anybody blog yet but i will do that soon.